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About the Artist

At 6 years of age, I received my first box of ‘real pastels’. It was the best gift ever! 
I remember the subtle green almond color of the box, and inside, discovering with wonder the wide palette with all the variations of color and the rich and smooth texture of the pastels. I made good use of it. Drawing came naturally to me. It took me to a universe where the only limits were my imagination. I needed it.
As a young adult in Paris, while working in the corporate field, I also continued drawing and painting and was very involved in the vibrant Parisian arts and culture scene. 
After moving from France to Canada, I worked for public and private organizations in the areas of PR and Project Management. However, I continued to remain active in the arts/cultural circle, coordinating events like the “Queen West Art Crawl” Festival, which is now a staple in the downtown arts events season. I curated and produced ‘QWAC-Fiti’, a first-time event in Toronto, gathering top Canadian street artists to perform in front of a live audience. I participated in organizing a mobile exhibition with Gallery 1313 for ‘The Greenbelt’ foundation where well-established Canadian artists showcased their arts in different cities of Ontario’s Greenbelt, finishing with an event at the ROM.
My professional activities then took me to central/west Africa for the development of projects in the mining sector. During these years in Africa, I worked very closely with local communities, discovering multiple facets of richness. I was privileged to participate in a number of ceremonies and celebrations among The Fangs, the Bamouns, the Bamilekes; settings where ‘Culture’, 'Art' and 'Tradition' are not separable concepts. Art is present everywhere and is an integral part of life since it expresses an identity, a belief, a story…
It was an enlightenment!
In 2017, after a serious accident, it became obvious to me that I was going to be entirely dedicated to my art and creativity. Ideas started coming in waves. I was compelled to explore new and unusual techniques which could best translate my ideas. I have found a unique and recognizable style which has now become a trademark of my work and has been recognized internationally.


"Je pense qu'être artiste c'est un enclin naturel à prêter attention aux détails, un émerveillement constant comme enfantin devant les choses les plus anodines, une compréhension intuitive de l'équilibre et de la géométrie”

"I think being an artist is a natural inclination to pay attention to detail, a constant childlike wonderment at the most innocuous things, an intuitive understanding of balance and geometry”

“Mes tableaux me viennent en tête finis en une seule image et dans les moindres détails. Mon travail consiste uniquement à les reproduire. 

Ça n’implique aucun processus de réflexion, d’étude ou de croquis”

“My paintings come to mind finished in a single image and down to the smallest detail. My work is only to reproduce them.

It does not involve any process of thinking, studying or sketching”

- Jeanne R.

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